Build partnerships to connect education, business, and community assets to increase deficiency, innovation, scale and sustainability of quality STEM teaching and learning within the Antelope Valley East Kern STEM Network.


goal 2

1. Promote college and career readiness for all Antelope Valley East Kern STEM Network students 
2. Increase attainment of STEM-related credentials, degrees, and careers
3. Develop and maintain a continuum of work-based learning experiences for preK-16 students
4. Increase the number of highly effective preK-16 educators 

 Strengthen quality of and expand access to STEM education across the pre-K-16 formal and informal educational institutions in the Antelope Valley East Kern STEM Network.

goal 1


All students in the Antelope Valley East Kern STEM Network will demonstrate the STEM knowledge and skills necessary for success in education, work, and their daily lives.

goal 3

To grow and maintain a diverse, progressive, and innovative STEM workforce within the greater Antelope Valley East Kern STEM Network through education programs  and strong, dynamic community partnerships, and to establish a unified voice for STEM policy and activities throughout the region.


Increase the number of the STEM graduates to meet current and future regional workforce and economic development needs within the Antelope Valley East Kern STEM network.